Projects & Activities

Projects & Activities

We follow an ambitious academic program in BMS Secondary and focus on providing the best possible preparation to our students for their career and university pursuits. We use every opportunity to enrich our academic program, through programs, activities, and projects, in order to create a highly developed interdisciplinary school program and to see student ideas realized and applied to a real-life context. Our school program offers many different events and occasions for engagement: be it in our theme-based activities such as spirit week, where our students take part in planned events and projects, or in “free speech” experiences and events, where our students take the lead in analyzing and debating current trends in society, or in our school-wide STEAM weeks, where students focus on engineering, the arts, and science through activities in the classroom and in our wider community.  

Our calendar is brimming with activities that act as an extension of our curriculum and enrich BMS school life. We use the international and UN-sponsored Peace Day to discuss and reflect, engage in social projects in an international and national context, present thoughts on knowledge and constructs through Theory of Knowledge (ToK) lectures, have fun with our creative expression at the BMS Secondary Concert, compete with our peers on sports day for the BMS House Trophy, and enjoy theater performances and school concerts. Our classroom curriculum themes and skill-focus present opportunities to make connections to our international location, where short trips in the city of Berlin become an opportunity to put learning into action