The pastoral care and safeguarding of our students are at the forefront of our mission at Berlin Metropolitan school. Our goal is to provide an environment where students feel safe, supported, and protected. Our support structures, school policies, and individual team members offer comprehensive support to our K-12 students, ensuring that their social, emotional, and well-being needs are met.
With a dedicated team of student support staff, BMS is assisted by two designated Child Protection Officers, who receive extensive training and work closely together with Senior Leadership and our team of counselors to ensure the safety of our students. These officers are in liaison with external services provided by the Berlin Senate for Education.
In order to best serve the needs of our diverse student body, BMS has two qualified school counselors in the Primary School as well as a school counselor in our Secondary School. These counselors work closely with tutors and classrooms teachers, to both monitor and address student concerns. Our dedicated full-time school nurses work closely with the student support teams to monitor and direct any health concerns or individual action plans for our students.