
Berlin Metropolitan School (Staatlich anerkannte Ersatzschule)
Berlin Metropolitan School gGmbH
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 95790 B
Managing Director: Silke Friedrich

Linienstraße 122 in 10115 Berlin 
Phone +49 30 88727 390
Fax +49 30 88727 3920
Email infometropolitanschoolcom

Legal body of Berlin Metropolitan School
Berlin Metropolitan School gGmbH
Linienstraße 122, 10115 Berlin
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
HRB 95790 B
Managing Director Silke Friedrich

Legal Status Berlin Metropolitan School
Day care center
Primary School – state-recognized substitute school, School Number 01P16
Integrated Secondary School – state-recognized private school,
School Number 01P16
Upper Secondary School – supplementary school, School Number 01E34

Designed by
Dipl. Des. Katharina Barth

Jens Rötzsch

Technical Realisation
Weißwild Brand Communication

Realized with the open source content management system Typo3

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